If you constantly find yourself lost in that jumbled pile of papers or tangles of electrical cables at your desk, it can be frustrating and distracting you from effectively getting work done. Working in a cluttered desk, is like driving through a road with a lot of detours and obstructions that slows you down and causes unwanted delay in reaching your destination. Having an efficient workspace sets the stage for higher work productivity and less time wasted on searching for documents or tools you need for your task at hand.
These are some useful and practical tips to help take control of your office space and achieve the focus you need at work.

  • Establish a weekly routine for tidying your desk

Unless you establish some regularity in getting your desk in order, you could find yourself in a mess of clutter soon after the last clean up. Setting aside some time on a weekly basis for a thorough cleaning would be more effective at maintaining a well-organised work desk than once in a blue moon overhaul.

Check out this article to learn more Tips for De-cluttering Your Work Desk.

  • Prevent pile-up, straighten up before you leave for the day

One of the good daily work habits of most productive people is that they would tidy up their workspace before leaving the office for home. It would just take a few minutes for a quick clean-up. Doing this will leave you with a sense of completeness that you are done for the day and you are well-prepared for a fresh start the next day.

  • Adhere to an organisation system

Having a system creates order and promote habitual behaviour. When you follow an organization system, you will clearly know what goes where and how to go about doing it. This will entail having a filing system to organise your documents, a labelling system so you know what’s in those folders or boxes and designated places for your work tools or office equipment and stationary.

  • Plan your office space and work desk with designated work zones

If you have an office room all to yourself or a business owner with a small office, the first priority would be to plan your office space into work zones.
A well-devised office layout with different areas designated for a specific type of task will streamline workflow and greatly increase work productivity. Examples of different work zones are work area such as where desks or work station are, storage and filing area with cabinets and shelves and a space or room for meetings and discussions.

You could also create work zones on your desk. An area where you do your computer work and another area that is clear of electrical cables and laptop or computer where you get your paperwork or filing done. With this approach of creating work zones even on your desk, you can better organise your work both mentally and physically as you shift between the zones when you transit from one task to another task during the day.

Photo: Pexels / Serpstat

Check out this article to learn more about the Advantages of Good Office Space Planning.

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