by Rachel | 1 Apr, 2019 | Organisation, Space Planning
Promote job satisfaction and productivity in your staff Not only is a great office design and layout important in keeping staff morale up, it directly correlates to productivity in their work. Workers will certainly feel more accomplished and productive when obstacles... by Rachel | 1 Apr, 2019 | De-cluttering Your Work Desk, Organisation
Get more work done with less clutter. We have some quick and simple de-cluttering tips to help you tackle the dreaded pile-up on your desk. Take some time to start purging and you will be well rewarded with a cleaner and happier work environment. Relocate items that... by Rachel | 31 Mar, 2019 | Organisation, Work Desk Organisation
If you constantly find yourself lost in that jumbled pile of papers or tangles of electrical cables at your desk, it can be frustrating and distracting you from effectively getting work done. Working in a cluttered desk, is like driving through a road with a lot of...