Promote job satisfaction and productivity in your staff

Not only is a great office design and layout important in keeping staff morale up, it directly correlates to productivity in their work. Workers will certainly feel more accomplished and productive when obstacles or frustration of work task are reduced or eliminated altogether with an optimised work flow. Hence, it is important to understand the working style of your employee and design the space that is tailored to the user.

Promote collaboration and team-spirit

Almost all work requires a varying level of team work and collaboration. Thus, workspaces that cater to the need of individuals for social interaction, such as having lounges for gathering during breaks or cosy meeting rooms for more focused discussion. Socialization among colleagues allow them to build better work relationship with each other which will promote greater collaboration and team-spirit.

Increase staff retention rate and attracting talents

People are the heart and soul of a company. A common problem that many businesses face is retaining their good employees. Especially in certain industry such as the technology or creative sphere, sought-after skilled candidates are increasingly selective in where and how they work. Many companies are going all out in wooing these talents. One of the ways that company do to attract them is to have a great working environment that is people-centric with work place design that is supportive of their happiness and engagement at work.

Project a professional image

Organised spaces look more professional and less cluttered. Not only will your staff enjoy working in a neat and tidy environment, but for clients or visitors to your company it will boost their confidence in your company.

Full-utilisation of available space

Rental cost is notoriously high in developed city such as Singapore hence it makes dollar sense to have an optimally utilised floor space, allowing businesses to control operating cost and increase revenue per unit space.
Facilitates ease of supervision by managers
Managers can also supervise the team more effectively when work flows seamlessly. With efficient and excellent space planning, your office will be easy to access thus making it easier for managers to navigate from department to department.

Check out this article to learn more about the 4 Rules of Thumb for Organising Your Work Space.

Plan for future expansion

A well-organized space promotes ease of expansion for a growing business. It would be wise to plan ahead for an expansion plan to minimise disruption to business productivity.

Prevent need for relocation

Oftentimes, a re-organisation of the space is all that is required to accommodate the expansion of your team or business. This avoid the need to relocate to a bigger premise thus enable saving on those costly moving expenses and higher rentals of a bigger property.

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Photo: Pexels / Marc Mueller
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